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Thank you for participating in the Iowa Credit Union Foundation’s “People Helping People" Financial Coach Program. This program aligns with the foundation’s mission to help people and communities achieve financial well-being while championing the credit union philosophy of people helping people. We know Iowa credit unions provide a significant benefit to their community and your role in providing financial coaching is an important piece of our collective impact, so thank you! We hope that through the training, learning and resources provided, we have given you a good base and the confidence boost to make a difference in the lives of your credit union members. We fully believe that you will impact the lives of Iowans. 

This portal is built as a continuing resource for you to reference throughout your financial coaching journey.  It hosts the resources that were shared during the 'People Helping People' Financial Coach Training Program and contact information for people who can help you through the tricky parts of financial coaching. We continuously add helpful resources to this site - and when we do, we'll shoot you an email to let you know what's new!

People Helping People Financial Coach Training Program Resources

Training Materials

Financial Coaching Workbook

Actions to Save Money Immediately

  • Track all expenses and really examine expenses for needs vs. wants - line by line

  • Cut all variable spending by 10%

  • Make breakfast/lunch/dinner as much as possible

  • Make your own coffee/tea

  • Stay in vs. going out as much as possible (entertainment, restaurants, shopping)

  • Sell clothing/items and declutter

  • Ask for lower rates on credit cards

  • Consolidate debt if it will save you money

  • Use a zero balance transfer credit card

  • Cancel unnecessary subscriptions

  • Share memberships, subscriptions, etc.

  • Carpool/use public transportation


100 Ways to Save Money

23 Ways to Save Money Fast (And Actually Build Wealth)

Resource: Nerd Wallet

Virtual Event Recordings

2023: March, July

Helpful Contacts


Ena Babic Barnes, Executive Director

Iowa Credit Union Foundation

Email me!

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People Helping People Financial Coach Alumni Newsletters


2022: January, July, September

2021: January, May, August, October


You have first hand knowledge about how beneficial the 'People Helping People' Financial Coach Training Program is! If you're willing, please help us recruit more financial coaches across the state by providing a testimonial about your journey through the program. We would be thrilled to hear how you are impacting members' lives. Tell us the story in written or video format, and send it to!

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